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I am Avnish Navrekar, a banker in Pune. I belong to India’s middle class, which has been neglected always. I am happy finally we have a platform like the Middle Class Hub where we can express our opinions. Despite playing a crucial role in the development of India, the middle class has been consistently marginalised and neglected!

We never feature in the priority list of the policymakers. Don’t get me wrong – Middle class doesn’t need any loan waiver, etc! It’s just that we need acknowledgement, appreciation, and policy interventions, at times, to safeguard our interests too. The time has come for the governments to take note about the concerns of the middle class, and act upon it.

The unfortunate part is the Indian middle class doesn’t even get the lip service; forget about getting any concessions from the powers that be! The hard working and honest taxpaying middle class is always ignored. A substantial part of the income goes in paying taxes and EMIs. It is worth mentioning that the purchasing power of the middle class drives the economy. However, no relief or concessions are considered for us.

Job losses and pay cuts are rampant during the current turbulent times of the COVID-19 pandemic, and middle class is the worst hit. The so-called relief (read moratorium on EMIs for 3 months) hits you hard; it is very important to keep in mind that these three months interest will get added on to further 3 months of the total EMI period with more interest! The fact remains that nobody cares for the middle class, and it is time we come together and raise our voice. I am happy at last we have a wonderful platform Middle Class Hub where we can talk about issues that matter to us. We too have expectations from the government, and rightly so.

It is a case of misplaced priorities on the part of the government. In India, the poor gets the waiver and the rich gets the bailout; the point to ponder is WHAT ABOUT THE MIDDLE CLASS!?

Middle Class Hub

MIDDLE CLASS HUB YOUR VOICE. YOUR PLATFORM. YOUR WORLD. Middle Class Hub is India’s first platform exclusively for the middle class Middle Class Hub is the voice of the middle class We champion the cause of the middle class